Diet & NutritionGut HealthInspiration

“My Weight Has Changed Dramatically” 5 Inspiring Stories for Women Who Want to Lose Weight

There are many unicorns in weight loss for sure. From magical diets that will supposedly make you lose 10 kg in a month to chewable pills that promise rapid weight loss without rebound, it’s seemingly easy to find a solution to do away with those extra kilos.

But the truth is that losing weight in a healthy way is much more than swallowing a few magical pills. To get rid of your extra weight, many times you first need to solve a core issue that may go from gut issues that prevent proper nutrient absorption to hormone imbalances that make you crave sugar.

So, how can you solve these problems, exactly? The first step is to consult with your doctor to understand what is going on and look for a suitable treatment. Meanwhile, you can also find natural supplements that can cure your health issues and support weight loss at the same time, without dangerous secondary effects.

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If you’re looking for alternatives, you will love to know that such an effective solution does exist! Hear it straight from 5 women who lost weight using completely natural health supplements in the shortest time.


How Marisa Lost 10 kg and Counting!

Losing 31 cm of Waist: L. H.’s Experience

Say Goodbye to Extra Weight and Fatigue Like Katya E.

How Lou D. Eliminated Bloating and Extra Weight

No More Constipation, Bloating, and Weight Gain for C.S.!

How Marisa Lost 10 kg and Counting!

Supplement she took: Gut Synergy System.

You guys really are amazing! I wasn't sure if I'd share this or not but with how this went I'm beyond excited - I can see this company is about health and not the bottom dollar and that's something I can get behind.

Since my first round with you guys I've dropped 10 kg (not including the extra energy and other benefits!) AND I've been bulking - healthily! My skin is clear and I look healthy. This is so not just for ladies or the next health shake fad, these 10 kg were the last problem 10 if you understand the reference.

I've been floating around this plateau for a long time and, with your product, I broke through it.

How Does Our Gut Synergy System work?

Our Complete Gut Synergy System contains several formulas that combine to repair your gut lining, get rid of bloating and swelling, and boost nutrient absorption, thus promoting long-term weight loss. Some of its components include prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics which work synergistically to achieve maximum results not only in terms of weight loss but also to eliminate digestive issues, fatigue, and brain fog. You’ll feel and look your best!

How Did It Help Marisa?

  • Losing 10 kg of extra weight.
  • A boost in energy.
  • Smooth, glowing skin.
  • Looking her best!

How to Take Our Gut Synergy System?

Our Gut Synergy System is very easy to take. Start with Prebiotic Collagen Protein (15 g) and Postbiotic Beauty Reds (10 g) and take them with your breakfast. Then, you can take 10 g of Probiotic Power Greens after lunch to get a boost in energy to go through the day!

Losing 31 cm of Waist: L. H.’s Experience

Supplement she took: Digestive Super Cleanse.

Since taking your product and including some exercise (going to a gym 1-3 times a week), I have lost a total of 31 cm, most of it from upper abs, waist, abdomen and hips (17 cm from this area).

I haven’t changed my eating habits dramatically, and my weight has changed dramatically, so I am very happy with this loss of cm. Even my gym instructor was surprised and impressed at this loss in such a short period of time.

I have now convinced my daughter to try your product, after ‘sharing’ some of mine and her feeling the difference when taking it.

How Does Our Digestive Super Cleanse System Work?

Digestive Super Cleanse is made of Diatomaceous Earth, a fossilised plant that gently exfoliates your intestinal wall, doing away with impurities, parasites, fungi and bacteria, heavy metals, and toxins that can make you sick. Plus, our Digestive Super Cleanse is useful to lose weight as it contains organic Amorphous Silica, a very effective substance when eliminating fat from your body.

How Did It Help L.H.?

  • Losing 31 extra centimeters around her waist.
  • Doing away with extra fat without changing her diet!

How to Take Our Digestive Super Cleanse System?

To see maximum results, take around one teaspoon of product with water daily. It’s important to take Digestive Super Cleanse on an empty stomach and wait at least one hour before having breakfast. You also can choose another liquid, such as juice or even a smoothie. Finally, increase your consumption of water to stay hydrated while using the Digestive Super Cleanse System.

Say Goodbye to Extra Weight and Fatigue Like Katya E.

Supplement she took: Fermented Happy Fibre & our Digestive Super Cleanse

I’ve been suffering from fatigue and brain fog for ages and started exploring why, and leaky gut resonated with me. I researched the products and thought starting with the Digestive Super Cleanse made sense. I got the Happy Fibre, too, and started at the same time.

I’ve been on it for 2.5 weeks, and have definitely noticed a positive change. I’m feeling less fatigued, in a better mood, with a general sense of better well-being, I’m not getting sugar cravings, and am making healthier choices, because I feel like I am cleansed and don’t want to put crap back in my body but also want to see it through to see overall impact.

I have it in smoothies or juices. It basically has no flavour. I also lost 2 kg in 2 weeks, which is probably a combination of all the positive changes happening at once but I’ll take it. I think I’ll definitely repeat the cleanse as recommended.

How Does Our Fermented Happy Fibre Work?

Our Fermented Happy Fibre is effective when flushing away waste and toxins, helping with digestion, and balancing your microbiome. This system feeds the good bacteria that live in your gut and control your general health while helping you lose weight without reducing your food intake. Thanks to the presence of native banana starch, you’ll also see improvements in your blood sugar response throughout the day.

How Did It Help Katya E?

  • No more brain fog or fatigue.
  • Improved mood.
  • General sense of well-being.
  • Reduced sugar cravings.
  • Losing 2 kg in just 2 weeks!

How to Take Our Fermented Happy Fibre?

Similar to our Digestive Super Cleanse, take Fermented Happy Fibre first thing in the morning with water, smoothies, coconut milk, or sprinkled in a fruit bowl. The possibilities are many! You’ll see increased satiety and reduced sugar cravings from the very beginning of your day.

How Lou D. Eliminated Bloating and Extra Weight

Supplement she took: Hormone Harmony

The Hormone Harmony System is an absolute saviour!! I've only used it for 2 weeks and feel so much better. I've lost 8kg, have zero bloating (used to look 9 months pregnant daily!), my moods are calm and I have so much energy. I feel like a new person!

Initially, the taste was challenging. I mix mine with coconut milk, banana and fresh pineapple... For me, it completely balances out the taste and I now CRAVE it. I guess perseverance and consistency are key.

Everyone is different I suppose, so any unwanted tubs, PLEASE send my way!

How Does Our Hormone Harmony System Work?

Our Hormone Harmony system is specially designed for women of all ages to keep a healthy hormone balance, eliminating cravings, mood swings, stress, fatigue, low libido, and hormonal weight gain. Its natural ingredients like Rhodiola, Fennel, and Chamomile provide effective digestive discomfort relief, doing away with bloating and indigestion. Plus, as it helps you fight cravings, you’ll effectively eliminate extra weight without having to resort to dieting or fasting.

How Did It Help Lou D.?

  • Zero bloating.
  • Calmer moods.
  • Energy boosts.
  • 8 kg down and counting.
  • Fast results!

How to Take Our Hormone Harmony System?

Incorporating the Hormone Harmony System into your routine is very simple: begin your day by taking 4 capsules with a glass of water and start enjoying the effects straight away!

No More Constipation, Bloating, and Weight Gain for C.S.!

Supplement she took: Prebiotic Collagen Protein

I, like probably most of you, started on the Happy Mammoth Prebiotic Collagen Protein journey after seeing and watching countless promotional videos on my social media feed. I am a 51-year-old female that has started on the road to menopause and was also experiencing some minor gut issues like constipation and bloating (I feared leaky gut) and decided to give this product a try.

So, 20 days in, I do feel like the product (along with taking a probiotic and increased fibre intake) has solved my constipation and bloating. I wish I could say that it completely flattened my belly, but I didn't really expect that. It has, however, made a large improvement and has helped me to lose approx. 5 lb (the sugar cravings have dropped significantly!!).

I really wish the unflavored version was available, as I am not too keen on the vanilla flavour (the artificial sweetness of it is just not appealing to me - tolerable, but not appealing which is why I am giving it 4 stars). I do plan to order another 30 days worth and stay on the path.

How Does Our Prebiotic Collagen Protein Work?

Made of amino acids that can help and seal your gut lining, our Prebiotic Collagen Protein provides you with the support you need to lose weight and keep your digestive system healthy at the same time. In addition to amino acids, this system has a high concentration of glycine, which promotes nutrient absorption. Finally, research has proven that prebiotics can give you a sense of fullness and satiety, preventing weight loss from hunger and cravings.

How Did It Help C.S.?

  • No more constipation.
  • Bloating relief.
  • Losing 5 lbs. in a short time.
  • Reduced sugar cravings!

How to Take Our Prebiotic Collagen Protein?

Take one or two scoops of Prebiotic Collagen Protein every day by mixing it with cold liquids (you can use your favourite, from a tall glass of water of at least 200 ml to almond milk or a smoothie).

Are you ready to start losing weight in the fastest and most natural way possible, just like these 5 happy clients above? Take our free Health Assessment and discover what products adjust to your symptoms and needs to start your weight loss journey today.

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