Hormone Health

The 7 Herbs You Need to Achieve Natural Hormone Balance for PMS

If every month you turn from a mild-mannered, patient, energised woman to a dragon lady, who swings between outbursts about your partners loud eating to sobbing over the cute puppy ad, ending up an anxious, bloated, fatigued mess…then maybe it’s time to take control of your hormones and give yourself the relief you deserve with a natural hormone balance for PMS!

These 7 herbs are proven to offer you relief for symptoms arising at ‘that time of month’ when you feel most vulnerable, suffering from premenstrual stress.

→Explore the One Product that Has All the Natural Herbs You Need for Natural Hormone Balance←


#1 - Maca Root

#2 - Ashwagandha Root

#3 - Chaste Tree Berry

#4 - Chamomile Flower

#5 - American Ginseng Root

#6 - Rosemary Leaf

#7 - Rhodiola Rosea

FAQs About Hormone Balance for PMS

  • How Do I Know if My Hormones Are Imbalanced?
  • How Can I Reduce My PMS Symptoms Naturally?
  • How Long Does It Take to Restore Hormone Balance?
  • The Bottom Line on Natural Hormone Balance for PMS

    #1 - Maca Root

    Maca, a root vegetable known as Peruvian ginseng contains plant sterols that are biochemically related to estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Animal research suggests that maca root has a natural hormone-balancing effect to ease PMS symptoms such as mood swings (1). Plus, other evidence indicates Macca can boost energy levels, something we often need at any time of the month! (2)

    #2 - Ashwagandha Root

    One of the reasons you suffer from PMS is the imbalance between estrogen and progesterone levels. This can happen for many reasons, but stress is often the culprit.

    Ashwagandha root, ideal to achieve natural hormone balance for PMS

    Stress releases cortisol which, in high levels, reduces progesterone production. It’s thought that ashwagandha root’s effect on reducing cortisol levels helps to rectify progesterone production. This can result in improving irregular menstrual cycles and your mood. It’s also been shown to improve concentration, memory, and sleep quality…all things that coincide with PMS! (3)

    #3 - Chaste Tree Berry

    Chaste tree berry has been used to treat women’s health since ancient Greece, with effects ranging from reducing irritability to easing breast pain. It’s thought to be a natural hormone balance for PMS by reducing prolactin (4), a hormone often associated with interfering in the production of estrogen and progesterone. Chaste tree berry has been shown to reduce symptoms of PMS both in the laboratory and in humans. A small study of 67 women showed that chaste tree berry significantly improved 17 symptoms of mild to moderate PMS across three months (5).

    #4 - Chamomile Flower

    Remember when your grandma told you to have a nice cup of chamomile tea before bed to settle your tummy and send you off into a soothing sleep? Well, she had good reasons! While chamomile is renowned for its calming effect, a systematic review of 27 studies concluded that chamomile’s anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, sedative and anti-anxiety properties significantly improved painful menstruation, anxiety and irritability in women suffering PMS (6).

    #5 - American Ginseng Root

    If sugar cravings are your downfall right before your period, you’re not alone! Cravings can be a two-fold reaction to hormonal changes. Firstly, studies suggest that the change in balance of estrogen and progesterone cause sugar cravings (7). Secondly, eating sugar releases the feel-good hormone serotonin which may be your body’s way of trying to pep you up when you’re feeling irritable and anxious. But before you reach for that sugary fix, consider the solution of a natural hormone balance for PMS! American ginseng has been shown to regulate blood sugar levels in both animal models and human trials (8). Meaning you could gain more control over those PMS sugar cravings.

    #6 - Rosemary Leaf

    This tasty herb is more versatile than simply adding flavour to a lamb roast! Rosemary is a rich source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatories, which are thought to help boost the immune system, improve blood circulation and rebalance the gut microbiome (9). It can also help alleviate mood swings and improve your memory. A study looking at university students found rosemary extract improved memory and sleep quality as well as significantly lowering anxiety (10).

    #7 - Rhodiola Rosea

    Vikings drank cups of Rhodiola tea to enhance stamina and physical performance before a raid (11). PMS sometimes feels like a non-stop battle, luckily studies show that fighting off fatigue can be helped along with Rhodiola rosea (12). One study looking at Rhodiola rosea concluded the anti-fatigue effect increases mental performance and decreases cortisol response to stress (13). This can have a flow-on effect of natural hormone balancing for PMS!

    FAQs About Hormone Balance for PMS

    How Do I Know if My Hormones Are Imbalanced?

    Your hormones are the chemical messengers of your body. Too many or too little and they can send your body into a tailspin of symptoms. So, the first way to detect whether your hormones are imbalanced is to listen to your body! If your PMS is out of control, you’re experiencing weight gain, mood swings, fatigue or gas and bloating, these are some of at least 11 warning signs that your hormones are imbalanced.

    How Can I Reduce My PMS Symptoms Naturally?

    Eating a balanced diet with plenty of protein, fibre, and healthy fats while avoiding processed sugars will see you starting to even out your blood sugars and create a healthy gut. This will alleviate PMS symptoms of gas, bloating, cravings and even anxiety. Exercise, reducing stress and getting quality sleep will have an impact on balancing your hormones and improve your overall physical and mental health.

    Woman eating healthily to achieve natural hormone balance for PMS

    While living a healthy lifestyle is a great start to reducing PMS symptoms, sometimes you need an extra helping hand. Happy Mammoth’s New & Ultra Potent Hormone Harmony uses the 7 key ingredients that can help restore hormone balance to boost energy, improve sexual desire, reduce bloating, and tame those mood swings!

    It’s working

    It’a only been a few weeks, but I can definitely feel a difference! My belly is less bloated, my PMS symptoms are much less severe, especially the headaches and mood swings. I’m ordering more.

    Tracey S.

    How Long Does It Take to Restore Hormone Balance?

    If you think about how your body works, your sex hormones fluctuate on a daily basis across the month. So restoring the balance of your key hormones takes a consistent approach. While you may notice the benefits of taking New & Ultra Potent Hormone Harmony within days, the specially designed formula adapts to the unique hormonal problems of women at different stages of life. Within one to three months, you should start to notice a consistent difference in your PMS symptoms.

    The Bottom Line on Natural Hormone Balance for PMS

    Your hormones dictate your bodily functions from the time you’re born. They regulate your appetite, sleep, sexual function and how you cope with PMS every month from puberty to beyond menopause.

    The good news is you CAN achieve a natural hormone balance for PMS by living a healthy lifestyle and taking New & Ultra Potent Hormone Harmony. It contains 7 natural ingredients to curb your cravings, settle your mood swings, ease anxiety, banish the bloat, fight fatigue, and boost your energy to truly show your body who is boss each and every month.

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