7 Clear Signs You Need to Detox ASAP
And while your immune system, kidneys, liver, and other organs work together to eliminate toxins as soon as they enter your body, sometimes they need a little boost to remove them completely. So, here are 7 clear signs you need to detox your body and some tips on how to do this effectively!
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#1 - You Have Recurrent Headaches
#3 - You Have Problems Losing Weight
#7 - You Feel Tired and With Low Energy
#1 - You Have Recurrent Headaches
Constant, inexplicable headaches can be a sign you need to detox soon. There are many toxins that can affect your brain, such as aspartame and monosodium glutamate (1), which are present in foods such as diet soda or gum. Plus, there are other elements in food like colouring and preservatives that can also cause painful headaches.
#2 - You Have Low Libido
If sex just doesn’t do it for you anymore, the first thing you need is to identify the cause behind low libido. A lack of sleep, gut problems, stress, excess weight, hormonal imbalances (2), all of them may result in low libido. But the good news is that getting rid of toxins and pollutants in your body can help you boost a lagging libido.
#3 - You Have Problems Losing Weight
Persistent weight gain or the inability to lose those extra pounds even though you have a balanced diet and exercise regularly may also be a sign your body needs to detox. Many toxins found in common foods, such as certain pesticides and dioxins present in shellfish (3), are lipophilic - that is, they are stored in fat. As a result, they stimulate the body to produce even more fat cells to store more toxins. That is why you may find it hard to lose weight until you detox.
#4 - You Feel Bloated & Gassy
Feeling bloated and gassy may be very strong indicators that your body cannot digest food properly because it’s overloaded with toxins. In addition to making you feel uncomfortable at all times, this affects your overall immunity, too (4). Starting a detox programme can help you flush out toxins and improve your gut health.
#5 - You Have Mood Swings
If you’re going through emotional rollercoasters every day, these mood swings may signal there’s a hormonal imbalance in your body. And while the causes for this imbalance may be multiple, toxins like xenoestrogens can be behind it (5). This substance, as the name suggests, can mimic the effects of estrogen on your body. They are present in industrial materials like BPA and PCBs, which are used in plastic elements typically used in the kitchen.
#6 - You Feel Always Sick
Toxins can also make you sick by weakening your immune system and making you catch the latest bug in fashion. From sneezing to red eyes and a runny nose, the symptoms may be many but the message is the same: your body is crying for a detox!
#7 - You Feel Tired and With Low Energy
Feeling like you haven’t rested at all even though you’ve slept for over 8 hours is much more common than you think and, again, many times a toxic overload is to blame. Certain harmful chemicals can put a lot of stress on your adrenal glands (6), the ones that determine how tired or rested you feel. Adrenal fatigue caused by an overload of caffeine, for example, can disrupt your delicate hormonal balance and force your body to stay alert instead of resting all night long.
How Should I Detox?
Now that you know detoxing is the way to go comes the time to take action. But what does “detox” truly mean? In the last few years, it has become a buzzword, with many using the term without really knowing what it refers to. Here’s a short and simple explanation: you’ll need to try and flush toxins out of your system by changing your diet and lifestyle, if necessary.
For example, a diet with organic vegetables and fruits, rich in antioxidants can help your body look and feel better. Let’s take a closer look at some tips to detox and do away with toxins for good:
Modify your diet to avoid foods with pesticides. And if you’re not sure what foods to avoid and which ones to add, you can check out the Environmental Working Group’s list of the foods with the highest (7) and lowest levels of pesticide (8). For instance, strawberries and spinach are at the top of the list, so it may be a good idea to buy organic to help your body detox from pesticides. And here we share with you some recipes of delicious smoothies to prepare for a successful detox!
- Increase your water intake to promote toxin elimination. Urine is one of the main ways through which we eliminate toxins, so make sure you drink enough water each day. Plus, the best way to increase your water intake is to use a filter to avoid possible contamination. And if you are interested in eliminating toxins through sweating, you can also visit saunas or exercise with intensity.
- Improve your microbiome as much as possible. It’s not possible to be truly healthy if your gut is disrupted. If you’re having digestive problems, you can start taking prebiotics and probiotics, which will promote gut health by increasing your levels of beneficial bacteria. Or you can resort to natural supplements like our Complete Gut Detoxification System, which gently flushes toxins from your body and prevents bloating, among other amazing benefits.
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Well Worth It
I tried so many things to fix my leaky gut and I wish I had found this product earlier! I take one small scoop in the morning and one scoop of the collagen protein in a smoothie and it seems to have helped me get on top of my gut issues. Thank you!
Karen V.
- Reduce stress in your life. Stress can disrupt your metabolism and prevent you from eliminating toxins, so you should try to stay calm and avoid anxiety and stress as much as possible. Exercise regularly, get to know more about mindfulness, sign up for a yoga or meditation class… the opportunities are many! Sharing your feelings with loved ones can also do the trick.
- Visit your doctor. To truly understand what’s going on with your body, there’s nothing better than getting help from a professional. Go to your doctor and explain your symptoms so they can help you get to know whether you have a nutrient deficiency, a food intolerance, hormone imbalance, an overload of heavy metals, chronic infections, or anything else that might be impending your body from detoxing.
If any of the 7 signs above sound like you, it might be the time to start detoxing. In addition to following our tips to start looking and feeling better, you can use natural products and supplements to boost your detox. Not sure which ones to choose? Take our free Health Quiz and get personalised recommendations of which products are best for you and your needs!